
So what exactly is a Powered Exoskeleton Race?

It’s sure to be one of the most interesting disciplines at the inaugural Cybathon event in 2016.

Powered exoskeletons (like the one above) are up and coming in the robotics world with nine currently available or in production.

They allow the user to walk and perform daily tasks the same way that a fully-able-bodied person would be able to – essentially giving them a new lease of life.

For Cybathlon 2016, the exoskeletons will be limited to 75kg so as not to make them too cumbersome – and encourage the technology to become more mobile and user-friendly.

The race, if you will, will be one of the centerpiece events at the first championship for robotic assisted athletes and will involve participants testing the equipment across seven different obstacles.

The seven obstacles are:

  • Flat stones
  • Tilted path
  • Gravel and sand
  • Sofa
  • Stairs
  • Ramp and door
  • Beam

For example, in the sofa section of the race the participants are tasked with standing up and sitting down – a challenge when using an exoskeleton.

When tackling the ramp and door, pilots will have to negotiate a 15º incline, open a door with a standard handle, pass through the door, close it, and walk down a 20º decline.

Participants will tackle all seven of the obstacles in the qualification rounds, before tackling the flat stones, ramp and door, and stairs in the final.

Pilots taking part in the race will have to fulfill the following criteria:

  • Spinal cord injured pilots who have a thoracic or lumbar lesion which leads to leg paralysis are included. Most competitors are expected to be in the category of mid-thoracic paraplegia.
  • ASIA A or B, with a complete loss of motor function.
    The lesions can be spastic or non-spastic.
  • Pilots must have sufficient voluntary control of trunk, arms and neck to keep the trunk and head upright and to use the arms to hold crutches or stabilize the trunk.

They will also be allowed to use canes or crutches for stabilization.

Full details about the exoskeleton race can be found here.

Image courtesy: Ekso Bionics™
